> IP Rights
Patent Proceedings
- Drafting Patent Applications
- Official Agent for Patent Applications before the Governing Bodies:
* German Patent and Trademark Office (GPTO)
* European Patent Office (EPO)
- Care of Patent Applications during Examination
- Opposition Proceedings
- Appeal Proceedings
- Invalidity Proceedings:
* German Federal Patent Court (BPatG)
* German Federal Supreme Court (BGH)
- Additional Protection (e. g. Supplementary Protection Certificates)
- Entry into Regional or National Phase for international and European Patent Applications
- Translating Patent Applications (German, English, French)
- Defense of Patents against Third Parties
- Legal Opinions:
* Validity
* Infringement Proceedings
- Fee Monitoring
* Monitoring
* Payment of Annuities
- Assignments, Registry Entries of Changes of Owner, Company Name, Address etc.
Utility Models
Utility Models Proceedings
- Drafting Utility Model Applications
- Official Agent for Utility Model Applications before the GPTO
- Care of Utility Model Applications during Examination
- Translating Utility Model Applications (German, English, French)
- Defense (Utility Model Cancellation Proceedings) and Enforcement of Utility Model Rights
- Legal Opinions:
* Validity
* Infringement Proceedings
- Renewals
* Monitoring
* Payment of Renewal Fees
- Assignments, Registry Entries of Changes of Owner, Company Name, Address etc.
Designs Proceedings
- Drafting Design Applications
- Official Agent for Design Applications before the Governing Bodies:
* German Patent and Trademark Office (GPTO)
* Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM)
- Care of Design Applications during Registration proceedings
- Appeal Proceedings
- Invalidity Proceedings (OHIM)
- Defense and Enforcement of Design Rights
- Legal Opinions:
* Validity
* Infringement Proceedings
- Renewals
* Monitoring
* Payment of Renewal Fees
- Assignments, Registry Entries of Changes of Owner, Company Name, Address etc.
Trademarks/Trade Names
Trademarks/ Trade Names Proceedings
- Drafting Trademark Applications
- Official Agent for Trademark Applications before the Governing Bodies:
* German Patent and Trademark Office (GPTO)
* Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM)
* World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
- Care of Trademark Applications during Registration Proceedings
- Opposition Proceedings
- Appeal Proceedings
- Reconsideration Appeal Proceedings
- Prior Rights Agreements / Out-of-Court Settlement
- Trademark Cancellation Proceedings
- Defense and Enforcement of Trademarks
- Legal Opinions:
* Validity
* Infringement Proceedings
- Trademark Monitoring
- Renewals
* Monitoring
* Payment of Renewal Fees
- Assignments, Registry Entries of Changes of Owner, Company Name, Address etc.
Plant Variety
Plant Variety Proceedings
Consulting and representation in matters of domestic and EC plant variety rights
- German Federal Authority for Plant Varieties (Bundessortenamt)
- Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO)
Foreign IP
Foreign IP Proceedings
- IP applications worldwide
- Defense and enforcement via an international network of selected, competent and experienced foreign associates